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FLUXMED: Strategies for Increasing the Water Use Efficiency of Semi-arid Mediterranean Agrosilvopastoral Systems Under Climate Change

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The overarching goal is to develop and apply innovative methodologies to increase the social-ecological WUE of managed ecosystems along the Mediterranean biome and climate types. Case studies will examine the Mediterranean Sea basin from west to east providing the exceptional opportunity to develop and com-pare water resources management and planning strategies, and develop a wide monitoring network for con-trasting climate conditions (mean annual rain from 35 to 780 mm/y) in the Mediterranean region.

The specific objectives are: (i) to develop and implement innovative methodologies for evapotranspiration measurements and estimate in typical heterogeneous Mediterranean agrosilvopastoral systems; (ii) to improve the eco-hydrologic monitoring in ephemeral rivers and wadis along the Mediterranean biome and climate types, establishing a transnational Mediterranean watershed monitoring system; (iii) to develop data assimilation systems for assimilating remotely sensed and field data into ecohydrological models at the watershed or agricultural district scales for optimal characterization of soil water balances; (iv) to identify the impacts of contrasting vegetation and crop types on the soil water balance, surface run-off, and water use under current and past Mediterranean climates; (v) to predict the impact of future climate scenarios on soil water balance, runoff, and water use; (vi) to develop a set of land cover change strategies (e.g. forestations/deforestation, use of more drought-tolerant crops and woody vegetation) for climate change scenarios that optimize the water uses and increase system resilience; (vii) to improve the multipurpose and multiuser water resources management and planning systems for the optimization of the water infrastructure (e.g., reservoirs, groundwater recharge, water harvesting) and uses (irrigation, animal production systems, drinking and industrial activities) under current and future climate change scenarios.

The project supports the requests of innovative solutions of the UN SDG6, providing new techniques and methodologies for increasing the water-use efficiency of water-limited Mediterranean regions, which are suffering water scarcity. We will implement integrated water resources management, linking Southern European and North African partners, and address the need of international cooperation in water research.


Adriana Bruggeman     |     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     |     22 208 620

Hakan Djuma     |     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.     |     +357 22 208 607



Additional Info

  • Acronym: FLUXMED
  • Center: EEWRC
  • Funding Source: Water JPI (Joint Call 2018 WaterWorks2017 ERANET Cofund), funded by the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation
  • CyI Funding: € 174,960
  • Starting Date: 01/01/2020
  • End Date: 31/03/2023
  • Coordinator: The Cyprus Institute
  • Partners:

    Università di Cagliari

    Universitat Politècnica de València

    Centre d'Etudes Spatiales de la BIOsphère

    Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

    Institut National des Recherches en Génie Rural Eaux et Forêts

    Ain Shams University