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George Zittis

George Zittis

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Associate Research Scientist +357 22208662

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George Zittis is an Associate Research Scientist at the Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) of the Cyprus Insitute, where he leads the Climate Downscaling & Extremes Research Group. His research interests include climate change & impacts, regional climate modeling, Mediterranean climate, climate statistics, extreme weather events, land-atmosphere interactions, climate dynamics, climate change education & communication.
Dr. Zittis holds a BSc in Geology and an MSc in Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Environment from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. He received his PhD in Environmental and Atmospheric Sciences from The Cyprus Institute in 2016. In the past, he has worked as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz, Germany, and the Energy, Environment and Water Research Center of The Cyprus Institute.
He is/was involved in several climate-related research projects such as OptimESM (HE), PREVENT (HE), EMME-CARE (H2020), SOCLIMPACT (H2020), BINGO (H2020), C8 (ERC) and CORDEX (WCRP). He has over 60 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, book chapters and conference proceedings.
Since 2020, Dr. Zittis has been an Editorial Board member of Springer's Regional Environmental Change. He is a Steering Group Member of the MedCLIVAR scientific network, and he contributes to several initiatives about climate change and its impacts on the broader Mediterranean and Middle East region. 

Selected Publications:

Urdiales-Flores D., Zittis G., Hadjinicolaou P., Osipov S., Klingmüller K., Mihalopoulos N., Kanakidou M., Economou T., Lelieveld J. (2023) Drivers of accelerated warming in Mediterranean climate-type regions. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 6:97.

Zittis G., Almazroui M., Alpert P., Ciais P., Cramer W., Dahdal Y., Fnais M., Francis D., Hadjinicolaou P., Howari F., Jrrar A., Kaskaoutis D., Kulmala M., Lazoglou G., Lin X., Mihalopoulos N., Rudich Y., Sciare J., Stenchikov G., Xoplaki E., Lelieveld J. (2022) Climate change and weather extremes in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. Reviews of Geophysics, 60, e2021RG000762.

Zittis G., Hadjinicolaou P., Almazroui M., Bucchignani E., Driouech F., El Rhaz K., Kurnaz L., Nikulin G., Ntoumos A., Ozturk T., Proestos Y., Zaaboul R., Lelieveld J. (2021) Business-as-usual will lead to ultra-extreme heatwaves in the Middle East and North Africa. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 4:20.

Zittis G., Bruggeman A., Lelieveld J. (2021) Revisiting future extreme precipitation trends in the Mediterranean. Weather and Climate Extremes, 34, 100380.

Zittis G., Hadjinicolaou P., Lelieveld J., Klangidou M., Proestos Y. (2019) A multi-model, multi-domain and multi-scenario analysis of regional climate projections for the Mediterranean. Regional Environmental Change, 19(8):2621-2635.

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