STARC Overview

The Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Center (STARC) of The Cyprus Institute is devoted to the development, introduction and use of advanced science and technologies in the field of archaeology, cultural heritage and history of the region.
Research scientists and doctoral students, often in partnership with national or international research organizations, utilize physical and chemical measurements with sophisticated instruments in a fixed and mobile laboratory to participate in collaborative research in Cyprus, the Eastern Mediterranean and Europe.
They also take advantage of high performance computing capabilities hosted at The Cyprus Institute to perform research requiring intensive computing or data storage and management. New perspectives on archaeological and cultural heritage in the region are achieved through strong collaboration with research in climate, environment and unmanned aircraft at The Cyprus Institute.
Research topics derive from a use-inspired basic research approach. They include:
- Natural and Material Sciences applied to Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
- Digital Heritage, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), digital documentation and semantics, scientific visualization and virtual reality methods.
- Interdisciplinary Research, Tools and Applications for Art and Architecture in Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean
- Digital Libraries and Digital Humanities
- Diagnostics for Cultural Heritage conservation, such as chemical and physical analyses for the preservation of heritage items
- Underwater and maritime archaeology technology
- DIOPTRA - The Edmee Leventis Digital Library for Cypriot Culture