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Iman Mehrabinezhad

Iman Mehrabinezhad

Position Email Telephone
Post-Doctoral Fellow +357 22 208 700

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Iman Mehrabinezhad is a Post-Doctoral Fellow for Climate-Sensitive Vector-Borne Disease Risk at the Climate & Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) of The Cyprus Institute. He has a BSc in Electrical Engineering (Telecommunications, 2008), MSc in Pure Mathematics (Functional Analysis, 2011), and PhD in Pure Mathematics (Variational Analysis, 2017). Before joining the VEClim project at CyI, he worked as a Research Specialist at University of Iceland (2018-2022) on Lyapunov stability of dynamical systems represented as ODEs.
His main research interests are mathematical modeling of nonlinear phenomena, Stability concepts, Dynamical Systems, Computational Analysis, Functional Analysis, Fixed Point Theory, Variational Analysis, and Educational Technology.
A list of his scientific publications could be found on the following links:

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