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Areas of Interest

The Cyprus Institute is pursuing a perspective of meaningful innovation where scientific discoveries, new knowledge and advanced technologies are employed towards a balanced model of prosperity, which is leaving nobody behind and it is not harmful for the environment.
As a matter of fact, the Institute has adopted the UN Sustainable Development framework as an innovation compass and is promoting a green economic model, where the creation of inclusive jobs and business activity is part of the ecologic transition.
The adoption of a responsible and impact innovation approach is part of The Cyprus Institute holistic vision, which takes into account both the economic potential and the transformational effect of innovation. Knowledge transfer is therefore directed towards the economic actors, but also the other social stakeholders in order to improve their effectiveness and capacity to face contemporary challenges. Specific attention is devoted to the role of Art & Humanities in triggering creativity, expand the possibilities, and helping to give an appropriate - human & planet centred - direction to the innovation process.