ANCHISE: Applying New Solutions for Cultural Heritage Protection by Innovative, Scientific, Social and Economic Engagement
ANCHISE develops efficient methods, knowledge and toolkit to enhance the protection of cultural heritage against looting and illicit trafficking. It will create an operational set of tools applicable for European contexts and replicable in other situations abroad. Its aim is to bring coordinated solutions to the key existing needs in the domain of cultural heritage protection: 1) Understand, 2) Prevent, 3) Act, 4) Repair. Coordinated by the Ecole française d’Athènes, the consortium consists of 15 partners from 7 EU countries, among them research institutions, law enforcement units, private companies and governmental bodies responsible for cultural heritage. The project will officially start on the 1st of February 2023 and will run for 36 months.
Contact person
Sorin Hermon
EU Horizon Europe programme